Subject /
Literature. Mass Media.
Periodical press. Till 1917 the periodical press was not developed good in the St. Petersburg Gubernia. The newspaper "Cankt Peterburgskiye vedomosti" ("The St. Petersburg Bulletin", 1838-1916) and the weekly magazine "Sankt Peterburgsky dukhovny vestnik" ("The St. Petersburg Spiritual Herald, 1895-1917) with the supplement "Izvestiya po Sankt Peterburgskoy eparkhii" ("Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Eparchy") were published in St. Petersburg. In the 1870s the newspaper "Gdovsko-Yamburgsky listok" ("The Gdov - Yamburg Bullitin") was published in Narva Town (Narva was included in the St. Petersburg Gubernia. There were no registered newspapers and magazines in the gubernia in 1906. Later they began to appear but they were not issued during the short periods of time: in Luga town - the newspaper "Luzhsky listok" ("The Luga Bulletin", 1909-1913), "Luzhskaya gazeta" ("The Luga Newspaper", 1910-1915), "Luzhskaya zhizn" ("The Life of Luga Town", 1915-1916); in Gatchina town - the newspaper "Gatchinsky listok" ("The Gatchina Bulletin", 1906), "Gatchinskaya nedelya" ("The Gatchina Week", 1913), "Gatchina" (1913-1916), the magazine "Priorat" (1911); in New Ladoga town - the newspaper "Ozerny kray" ("The Lake Region", 1913-1914); In Oraniyenbaum town - the newspaper "Oraniyenbaumsky dachny listok" ("The Oraniyenbaum Country Bulletin", 1907-1908), the magazine "Vestnik Oraniyenbauma. Ofitsialnaya chast I spravochny otdel" ("The Herald of Oraniyenbaum. The Official Section and the Reference", 1904-1906), "Vestnik Oraniyenbaumskoy strelkovoy shkoli" ("The Herald of the Oraniyenbaum Shooting School", 1901-1914). In Tikhvin town (it was included in the Novgorod Gubernia at that time) the magazines "Nasha shkola" ("Our School", 1914) and "Tikhvinets" ("Tikhvin's Resident", 1914-1918) were issued. In Vyborg town (It was a part of the Vyborg Gubernia at that time) the first newspapers (in German) appeared in the first quarter of the 19th century. In the early 20th century four newspapers in Finnish, one newspaper in Swedish, several editions in Russian: magazines "Vestnik Kreditorov" ("The Herald of Creditors", 1908), "Pravoslavny Finlayandsky sbornik" ("The Orthodox Finland Bulletin", 1910), "Priyezzhy" ("The Visitor", 1912), "Pobeda kresta" ("The Victory of the Cross", 1913-1914), Karelskiye izvestiya" ("The Karelian Proceedings", 1914-1916) were issued there. The newspapers "Vuoksa" (1889-1901), "Vostochnaya Karelia" ("The Eastern Karelia", 1897-1906) and others were published in Finnish in Keksgolm Town (now it is Priozersk town). During 1917-1929 after the revolution the base of the newspaper materials were editions of Soviets and Committees of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) : "Volkhovsky truzhenik" ("The Worker of Volkhov", 1919-1926), "Vestnik Novo-Ladozhskogo uyezdnogo ispolkoma" ("The Herald of the New Ladoga Uyezd Executive Committee", 1922), "Izvestiya Novo-Ladozhskogo uyezdnogo posevnogo komiteta I zemskogo otdela" ("The Proceedings of the New Ladoga Uyezd Sowing Committee and Zemsky (District) Department", 1921), "Izvestiya Yamburgskogo ispolkoma Sovetov" ("The Proceedings of the Yamburg Executive Committee of the Soviets", 1918-1919) and others. Military newspapers were published by both the Red Army and the White Army during the Civil War (in particular, the newspaper "Prinevsky Kray" ("Lands Near The Neva River"). Gradually, an uyezd newspaper, a popular political newspaper issued 1-3 times a week and meant mainly for peasant-readers, became the leading type of newspaper. In the end of 1924 in the gubernia there were six newspapers of that type, the most successful newspapers were "Krestyanskaya pravda" ("Peasants' Truth") of Luga town and "Derevenskaya gazeta" ("The Village Newspaper") of Gdov town. In the first half of the 1920s the centralization and unification of the newspaper and magazine business was occurred. The well-defined structure and themes were prescribed to newspapers of different levels. Uyezd newspapers should mainly have coveraged local problems, they must have departments of agriculture, industry, municipal economy, they must write about the life of the party, people's education, the life of army. The newspapers editorial board organized movements of working and rural correspondents, clubs, libraries, "alive newspapers" (oral issues) and others for the more close connection with readers. In 1924 there were 1353 rural correspondents in the Leningrad Gubernia. In 1930 uyezd newspapers were substituted for the net of district newspapers. Large-scale enterprises issued factory newspapers, small enterprises issued wall newspapers. In the places of the national minorities residence there were were newspapres issued in national minorities languages including Finnish: the newspaper "Vapaus" ("The Freedom"), the youth newspaper "Nuori Kaarti" ("The Young Guard"), the pioneer newspaper "Kipinya" ("The Spark"), the weekly magazine "Kumous" ("The Revolution"); the newspaper of the Finnish nationality residents of the Toksovo District "Toksovan kolkhoznik" («Toksovan kolhosnik»;1931-39) was issued in Finnish and Russian, there were Finnish pages in newspapers of the Krasnogvardeysk, Mga, Oraniyenbaum, Tosno, Volosovo and Vinnitsi districts. In 1937 according to the new state policy the national press was liquidated. During World War II army, underground and partisan newspapers were issued in the Leningrad Oblast (it included the Pskov and Novgorod oblasts that times). From May of 1942 till April of 1944 the newspaper "Narodny mstitel" ("People's Avenger"; the names were changed) was issued; from April of 1943 the newspaper "Za Sovetskuyu Rodinu" ("For the Soviet Motherland") was issued for the population of occupied districts; special issues of newspapers "Smena" ("Successors"), the newspapers "Golos molodyezhi" ("The Voice of the Youth"), "Yuny mstitel" ("The Young Avenger"), "Gazeta dlya detey" (The Newspaper for Children") were issued for children and the Yuoth. In all more then 40 underground and partisan newspaper were issued during the war years. The net of district newspapers was restored after the war. By 1991 eighteen district newspapers were issued as organs of District and Town Committees of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Till 1991 the main oblast newspaper was "Leningradskaya pravda" ("The Leningrad Truth"), the organ of the Oblast Committee and City Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, that was issued in Leningrad. Till 1990 the youth newspaper "Smena" ("Successors") was the organ of the Oblast and City Committees of the Leninist Communist Youth League. The oblast newspaper "Vesti" ("The News"), the official editions "Vestnik Zakonodatelnogo sobraniya Leningradskoy oblasti" ("The herald of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Oblast") and "Vestnik Pravitelstva Leningradskoy Oblasti" ("The Herald of the Leningrad Oblast Government") are issued on present days. After 1991 district newspapers were re-registered (some of them were renamed), the working collectives became the founders of these newspapers. Many new periodical editions appeared. In 1996 fifty newspapers were registered, in 2002 191 newspapers were registered (many of them stopped working after publishing some issues. In 2005 practically more then 40 newspapers and 20 magazines (overwhelming majority of them were advertising) were issued with total circulation about 560 thousand copies. Newspapers and magazines are really published in all towns of the oblast: the newspapers "Novy put" ("The New Way"; the circulation is 3,5 thousand copies) and "Zavodskoy kuryer" ("The Factory's Courier") are issued in Boksitogorsk town; the newspaper "Selskaya nov" ("The Rural Virgin Soil"; the circulation is 3,2 thousand copies) is issued in Volosovo town; the newspaper "Volkhovskiye ogni" ("The Lights of Volkhov Town"; the circulation is 5 thousand copies) is issued in Volkhov town; 26 newspapers are issued in Vsevolozhsk town, including "Vsevolozhskiye vesti" (The News of Vsevolozhsk", the circulation is 9 thousand copies), "Mir zhilishchno-kommunalnogo khozyaistva" ("The World of Housing and Communal Services"; the circulation is 5 thousand copies; it is spread in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Oblast), "Nevskaya zarya" ("The Neva Dawn"); In Vyborg town more then 10 magazines including "Vyborg I Vyborgsky raion" ("Vyborg and the Vyborg District"), "Kurortny bereg" ("The Resort Shore"), "Galosha" ("The Galosh") and more then 20 newspapers including "Vyborg" ( the circulation is 3.6 thousand copies), "Vyborgskiye vedomosti" ("The News of Vyborg", the circulation is 10 thousand copies), "Novaya Vyborgskaya gazeta" ("The New Vyborg's Newspaper", the circulation is 5 thousand copies) are issued; the magazine "Vest" ("The News"), the collection "Chelovek. Politika. Kultura" ("The Human. Policy. Culture") and 11 newspapers including "Gatcnina-Info" (the circulation is 7 thousand copies), "Gatchinskaya pravda" ("Gatchna's Truth", the circulation is about 8 thousand copies), "Spektr - Gatchina" ("The Spectrum - Gatchina", the circulation is 5.2 thousand copies) are issued in Gatchina town; newspapers "Ivangorod" (the circulation is 1.5 thousand copies) and "Ivanushka" are issued in Ivangorod town; eight newspapers including "Vrema" ("The Time", the circulation is 7.5 thousand copies) and "Vostochny bereg" ("The East Bank", the circulation is 13.5 thousand copies) are issued in Kingisepp town; 10 newspapers are issued in Kirishi town including "Kirishsky fakel" ("Kirishi's Torch"; the circulation is about 6 thousand copies); in towns of Kirovsk and Shlisselburg there are 5 newspapers - "Ladoga" (the circulation is about 5 thousand copies), "Novy Shlisselburg" ("New Shlisselburg"), "Shlisselburgsky uyezd" ("The Shlisselburg Uyezd"), "Reportazh" ("The Report"), "Klyuch-gorod" ("The Key-town"); the newspapers "Izhora-Kommunar", "Krmannaya gazeta" ("The Pocket Newspaper"), "Komm-Info" (the circulation is 1.5 thousand copies), "Region biznes plus" ("The Region Business Pluss"), "Shuravi" are issued in Kommunar town; the newspapers "Lodeynoye Pole" (the circulation is 4.5 thousand copies) and "uyezdnaya gazeta" ("The Uyezd Newspaper") are issued in Lodeynoye Pole town; In Lomonosov there are 3 newspapers including "Baltiysky luch" ("The Baltic Beam"; the circulation is 6.5 thousand copies), Vesti Oraniyenbauma" ("The News Of Oraniyenbaum"); in Luga town there are 10 newspapers including "Luzhskaya pravda" ("Luga's Truth", the circulation is 5.5 thousand copies), "Pravoslavnaya Luga" ("Orthodox Luga"); in Novaya Ladoga town there is the newspaper "Golos Ladogi" ("The Voice of Ladoga"); two newspapers: "Krasnaya zvezda" ("The Red Star", the circulation is 5 thousand copies) and "Priozerye" ("The Lake Land"), and some advertising magazines are issued in Priozersk town; the newspaper "Rabozheye slovo" ("The Working Word", the circulation is 3 thousand copies) is issued in Pikalyevo town; in Podporozhye town there is the newspaper "Svirskiye ogni" ("The Svir Lights", the circulation is 4 thousand copies); the magazine "Severnoye izmereniye plyus" ("The North Dimension Plus") and 5 newspapers including "Peterburgsky rubezh" ("Peterburg Line", the circulation is 5 thousand copies), "Sertolovo I okresnosti" ("Sertolovo Town and Outskirts", the circulation is 5 thousand copies) are issued in Sertolovo town; in Slantsi there are 4 newspapers including "Znamya truda" ("The Banner of Labour", the circulation is 3.2 thousand copies); there are 10 newspapers including "Tera-press" (the circulation is 2 thousand copies) with the supplement "VSEM-info" ("To All-Info", the circulation is 5 thousand copies), "Mayak" ("The Lighthouse", the circulation is 6 thousand copies), "Sosnovoborsky stroitel" ("The Sosnovy Bor's Builder", the circulation is 5 thousand copies) in Sosnovy Bor town; in Tikhvin there are magazines "Veshchy Gamayun" ("Prophetic Gamayun") and "Tikhvinets" ("The Rezident of Tikhvin", 13 newspapers including "Tikhvinskaya nedelya" ("The Tikhvin Week", the circulation is 12 thousand copies), "Trudovaya slava" ("The Labour Glory", the circulation is 6.5 thousand copies), "Informatsionno-spravochny kuryer" ("I&R Courier", the circulation is 5.8 thousand copies), "Divya" (the circulation is 5 thousand copies); In Tosno town there are 3 newspapers including "Tosnensky vestnik" ("The Tosno Herald", the circulation is 7.2 thousand copies). The newspaper 'Koltushi" (the circulation is 3 thousand copies) is issued in Voiyekovo settlement. Many large-scale enterprises publish their newspapers: "Biokhimik" ("The Biochemist") of the Kirishi Biochemical Plant, "Vestnik LAES" ("The Herald of LAES (Leningrad Nuclear Power-station)", "Zavodskoy kuriyer" ("The Factory's Courier") of the Closed Joint-Stock Company "Boksitogorsky Glinozem", "Kingiseppsky khimik" ("The Kingisepp Chemist") of the Closed Joint-Stock Company "Fosforit", "Lesorub" ("The Lumberjack") of the Tikhvin State Timber Industry Enterprise, "Neftyanik" ("The Oil Industry Worker") of the enterprise "Kirishinefteorgcintez", "Syasky rabochy" ("Syas Worker" of the Syas Cellulose Paper Mill and others. Leading editorial boards of the oblast mass media are members of the Leningrad Oblast Mass Media Union and many contributors are members of the St. Petersburg Journalists' Union.
Ansberg, Olga Nikolayevna
Leningrad Oblast, the/Boksitogorsk District/Boksitogorsk Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Gatchina Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Ivangorod Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kirishi District/Kirishi Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kirovsk District/Kirovsk Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Kommunar Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Lodeynoye Pole District/Lodeynoye Pole Town
Saint-Petersburg City/Lomonosov Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Luga District/Luga Town
Neighbouring Territories/Narva City
Leningrad Oblast, the/Volkhov District/Novaya Ladoga Town
Historical Toponyms/Oraniyenbaum
Leningrad Oblast, the/Pikalevo Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Podporozhye District/Podporozhye Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Priozersk District/Priozersk Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Vsevolozhsk District/Sertolovo Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Shlisselburg Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Slantsi District/Slantsi Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Sosnovy Bor Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tikhvin District/Tikhvin Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tikhvin District/Tikhvin Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Tosno Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Volkhov District/Volkhov Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Volosovo District/Volosovo Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Vsevolozhsk District/Voyeikovo Settlement
Leningrad Oblast, the/Vsevolozhsk District/Vsevolozhsk Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Vyborg District/Vyborg Town
Библиография периодических изданий России, 1901–1916: В 4 т. Л., 1958–1961
Газетный и книжный мир. Вып.2. М., 1925
Левин И.Я. Партизанские и подпольные газеты… Указатель. М., 1976
Жирков Г.В. Становление типа уездной советской крестьянской газеты // Журналистика Северо-Запада РСФСР. Л., 1976 (Проблемы журналистики. Вып.7), С. 37-60
Пресса Санкт-Петербурга и Ленинградской области. СПб., 1996, С. 37-60
Официальный сайт Правительства Лен. обл. URL:, С. 37-60
Спец. выпуск интернет-газеты «Петербургский союз журналистов», посвященный юбилейному (10-му) Фестивалю средств массовой информаци Лен. обл. URL:, С. 37-60
Несоветские газеты (1918-1922 гг.). Каталог. СПБ., 2003, С. 37-60
Газеты СССР, 1917–1949: Библиографический указатель. В 5 т. М., 1970–1984, С. 37-60
Мошник Ю.И. Периодическая печать Выборга в 1918-40 // Страницы выборгской истории: Сб. статей. Кн. 2. Выборг, 2004., С. 407-422
Subject Index
"Baltiysky luch" ("The Baltic Ray"), a newspaper
"Derevenskaya gazeta" ("Village newspaper"), a newspaper
"Gatchina", a newspaper
"Gatchinskaya nedelya" ("The Week of Gatchina"), a newspaper
"Gatchinskaya pravda" ("Gatchina Truth"), a newspaper
"Gatchinsky Listok" ("Gatchina Bulletin"), a newspaper
"Golos Ladogi" ("The Voice of Ladoga"), a newspaper
"Gubernskiye vedomosti" ("Gubernia Bulletin"), a newspaper
"Izvestiya Yamburgskogo ispolkoma Sovetov" ("News of the Yamburg Soviets Executive Committee"), a newspaper
"Karelskiye izvestiya" ("Karelian News"), a magazine
"Kirishsky Fakel" ("Kirishi Torch"), a newspaper
"Krasnaya zvezda" ("The Red Star"), a newspaper
"Krestyanskaya pravda" ("Peasant Truth"), a newspaper
"Ladoga", a newspaper
"Lodeynoye Pole", a newspaper
"Luzhskaya Gazeta" ("The Newspaper of Luga"), a newspaper
"Luzhskaya pravda" ("Luga Truth"), a newspaper
"Luzhskaya zhizn" ("The Life of Luga Town"), a newspaper
"Luzhsky Listok" ("Luga Bulletin"), a newspaper
Mass Media Union of the Leningrad Oblast, the
"Nasha shkola" ("Our School"), a magazine
"Nevskaya Zarya" ("Neva Dawn"), a newspaper
"Novaya Vyborgskaya Gazeta" ("The New Vyborg Newspaper"), a newspaper
"Oraniyenbaumsky dachny listok" ("Oraniyenbaum Suburban Bulletin"), a newspaper
"Ozerny Kray" ("The Lake District"), an anthology on literature and local history
"Pobeda kresta" ("The Victory of Cross"), a magazine
"Pravoslavnaya Luga" ("Orthodox Luga Town"), a newspaper
"Pravoslavny Finlyandsky sbornik" ("Orthodox Finland Collection"), a magazine
"Prinevsky Krai", a newspaper
"Priorat", an information and local historic bulletin
"Priyezzhy" ("Visiting Person"), a magazine
"S.-Peterburgsky dukhovny vestnik" ("Saint Peterburg Ecclesiastical Bulletin"), a magazine
"Selskaya Nov" ("Country Virgin Soil"), a newspaper
"Svirskiye ogni" ("The Svir Lights"), a newspaper
"Tikhvinets" ("Tikhvin Resident"), a magazine
"Tosnensky vestnik" ("Tosno Bulletin"), a newspaper
"Trudovaya slava" ("Labour Fame"), a newspaper
"Veshchy Gamayun" ("Prophetic Gamayun"), a magazine
"Vestnik kreditorov" ("The Bulletin of Creditors"), a magazine
"Vestnik Novo-Ladozhskogo uyezdnogo ispolkoma" ("The Bulletin of the Novaya Ladoga Uyezd Executive Committee"), a newspaper
"Vestnik Oraniyenbauma. Ofitsialnaya chast I spravochny otdel" ("Oraniyenbaun Bulletin. Oficial Part and Reference"), a magazine
"Vestnik Oraniyenbaumskoy strelkovoy shkoli" ("The Bulletin of the Oraniyenbaum Infantry School"), a magazine
"Volkhovskiye ogni" ("Volkhov Lights"), a newspaper
"Volkhovsky truzhenik" ("A Worker of Volkhov Town"), a newspaper
"Vremya" ("The Time"), a newspaper
"Vsevolozhsk vesti" ("Vsevolozhsk News"), a newspaper
"Vyborg", a newspaper
"Vyborgskiye vedomosti" ("Vyborg Gazette"), a newspaper
"Znamya truda" ("The Flag of Labour"), a newspaper