Oreshek Island
Group name
Topographical landmarks
Mentioned in articles:
Museum of the Shlisselburf Town History, the.
The Museum of the Shlisselburg (Schlusselburg) Town History (Shlisselburg Town, Factory Island, 2a) is a municipal museum and a branch of "The Museum Agency". It was founded on 18 July of 1990. The first exposition was presented in February of... more
Shlisselburg Fortress "Oreshek", a museum
Shlisselburg (Schlusselburg) Fortress "Oreshek", a museum (Shlisselburg Town, Oreshek Island), is a branch of the State museum of the history of Sankt Petersburg from 1965. The museum was founded in 1925 and it was presented for visitors, as a... more
The Cathedral of the Birth of John the Precursor (Schlusselburg)
The Cathedral of the Birth of John the Precursor (Schlusselburg, Oreshek Island). The Nikolayevsky Lyalikin Monastery worked in the Oreshek Fortress (see: the Schlusselburg Fortress) in the 15th century. The monastery was lost in the years of the... more
Toksovo, urban settlement
TOKSOVO, an urban settlement in Vsevolozhsk District. Population: 5,900. In 1920-49, it was a district center (before 1936, the adm. center of a Finnish ethnic district.) The toponym Toksovo (Finnish “Toksova”) is of a Baltic Finnish origin, and... more