Articles / Merezhkovsky, Dmitry Sergeyevich (1866-1941), a literary man

Merezhkovsky, Dmitry Sergeyevich (1866-1941), a literary man

Subject / Literature. Mass Media./Personnel

Merezhkovsky, Dmitry Sergeyevich (1866-1941), a literary man, religious philosopher. D.S. Merezhkovsky graduated from the Historic and Philological Faculty of the St. Petersburg University in 1888. In 1889 Merezhkovsky married Z.N. Gippius. Merezhkovsky's works were published from 1881. Merezhkovsky's first book "Stikhotvoreniya (1883-1887)" ("Poems (1883-1887)" was issued in 1888. Merezhkovsky became widely known thanks to his collection "Vechniye sputniki: Portreti iz vsemirnoy literaturi" ("Eternal Companions: Portraits from the All-World Literature", 1897). Merezhkovsky is the author of the trilogy "Khristos i Antikhrist" (“Christ and Antichrist”, 1895-1904) and "Tsarstvo zla" ("The Tsardom of Evil", 1908-1918); critical studies "L. Tolsyoy and Dostoyevsky" (1900-1902), "Gogol I chort" ("Gogol and the Devil", 1906), "M.Yu. Lermontov. Poet sverkhchelovechestva" ("M.Yu. Lermontov. The Poet of the Superhumanity", 1909), "Dve taini russkoy poezii: Nekrasov I Tyutchev" ("Two Mysteries of the Russian Poetry: Nekrasov and Tyutchev", 1915); poem collections; translations of ancient authors' works and others. Merezhkovsky was a founder of the magazine "Novy put" ("The New Path"), the organizer of religious-philosophical meetings (1901-1903), a member of the Religious-Philosophical Society from 1907. From December 1919 Merezhkovsky lived as an emigrant abroad where he continued his literary work. He died and was buried in Paris. In 1883 Merezhkovsky visited A.N. Maykov who lived in Siverskaya. From 1898 till 1918 in summer monthes the Merezhkovskys lived at the country houses in the estate of Dylitsi, in Orlino village, in Mariyenburg (Gatchina), in the estate of Kobrino, in Siverskaya, in the estate of Druzhnoselye.

Margolis, Aleksandr Davidovich

Gippius, Zinaida Nikolayevna
Maikov, Apollon Nikilayevich
Merezhkovsky, Dmitry Sergeyevich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Gatchina Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Orlino Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Siversky Urban Settlement

Гиппиус-Мережковская З.Н. Дмитрий Мережковский: Воспоминания. М., 1991
Д.С.Мережковский: Мысль и слово: [Сб.ст.]. М., 1999
Сонина Л.В. Сиверская в судьбах русских литераторов. Гатчина, 2000., С.26
Бурлаков А. Нет больше в Суйде Лукоморья… Б. м., 2001., С.13-17

Subject Index
Druzhnoselye, a country estate
Dylitsi, a country estate
Kobrino, a country estate