Vyritsa, urban settlement
Vyritsa, urban settlementAuthors
Piryutko, Yuri Minayevich
Apollonsky, Roman Borisovich
Bianki, Vitaly Valentinovich Churikov, Ivan Alekseyevich Likhachev, Dmitry Sergeyevich Rakeyev, Fyodor Spiridonovich Rozanov, Vasily Vasilyevich Serafim of Vyritsa (Vasily Nikolayevich Muravyev) Volkov, Yefim Yefimovich Wittgenstein, Fyodor Lvovich, Prince Yefremov, Ivan Antonovich Geography
Historical Toponyms/Bor, Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District Historical Toponyms/Knyazheskaya Dolina, Village Historical Toponyms/Novo-Petrovskoye, Village Topographical landmarks/Oredezh River, the Historical Toponyms/Poselok, Village Historical Toponyms/Saint Petersburg Gubernia, the/Tsarskoye Selo Uyezd Historical Toponyms/Novgorod Land/Vodskaya Pyatina ("Fifth") (The territory of Novgorod Land located between rivers the Luga and the Volkhov and on the shores of Ladoga Lake) Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Vyritsa Urban Settlement Historical Toponyms/Zarechye (Mikhaylovka) Bibliography
Бурлаков А. Туристские маршруты Гатчинского района. Южное направление. Гатчина, 2003., С.81-84, 108-112
История поселка Вырица. URL: http://vyritsa.narod.ru/history.htm, С.81-84, 108-112 Subject Index
The Church of Apostle Peter and Apostle Paul (Vyritsa Town, Gatchina District)
The Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (Vyritsa Town, Gatchina District) Vuritsa Settlement Library named after I.A. Yefremov |