Articles / Restoration of buildings of architectural and historic interest.

Restoration of buildings of architectural and historic interest.

Subject / Architecture

Restoration of buildings of architectural and historic interest. The first experience of the research restoration of the Russian Middle Ages monuments in the territory of the pesent-day Leningrad Oblast dates from 1846-1847, when in the Ivangorod fortress works were conducted under the leadership of the military engineer M.D. Rezvy. In the late 19th century in Staraya Ladoga the inspection of the Church of St. George the Victorious, the Great Martyr (of the 12th century) and the fortress was made. Obtained data were used in the restoration that was started in 1927 whem unique frescos were cleared and fastened. During the World War II and fashist occupation many monuments in the oblast territory were destroyed or hard damaged. So after the war some measures for the useful increase of the restoration and recovery works. On 29 June 1957 the decree of the RSFSR Council of Ministers about organizing the Leningrad Oblast Special Research Restoration Workshop (LO SNRPM) that became the main executor of restoration works in the Leningrad Oblast. In 1958 three restoration fields of the Special Research Resatoration Workshop were organized: No. 1 (Petrokrepost, Staraya Ladoga, Novaya Ladoga, Tikhvin); No. 2 (Vyborg, Priozersk); No. 3 (Gatchina). The Oblast inspectorate of monuments protection was the leading customer. From 1959 to 1965 the estate Maryino was being restored and accommodated for a boarding school (the architect - restorer M.A. Semyenovskaya), recover works of the estate building in Kotli were carried out. During 1965-1967 the King Tower in the fortress of Oreshek was restored. From 1966 restoration projects were financed by the All-Russian Society of History and Culture Monuments Protection (2200000 rubles were allocated from 1970 to 1982). From 1959 to 1974 the Estonia Gosstroy (State Building Committee) Republic Restoration Board carried out the restoration of memorials of the defence architecture in the town of Vyborg and the Ivangorod foetress. Extensive works were carried out in the town of Staraya Ladoga (it is the fortress reconstruction project by A.E. Ekk, M.I. Klyada, M.I. Milchik, O.G. Gusev), in the village of Koporye (a bridge reconstruction project by I.A. Khaustov, M.A. Dementyev), in the Korela fortress. Among the religious architecture monuments the most important objects were: St. Catherine the Great Woman Martyr Cathedral restoration completion in 1972 in the town of Kingisepp (the architect restorer M.A. Tikhomirov), the reconstruction of the belfry of the Tikhvin Monastery of the Holy Dormition ( the architect restorer K.A. Stepanov) in 1974, the restoration of of the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin in the town of Shlisselburg (the architect restorer A.N. Miloradovich). Inspections and measurements of wooden churches villages of Sogintsi, Shcheleili, Gimreka were being made. During 1965 - 1967 the restoration of the estate house on the park "Monrepo" In Vyborg was being carried out; during 1974-1980 the Catholic Church of St. Hyacinthe (it was converted into a children's art school), the Clock and Circular Towers, the merchant guild house and others were restored. Since 1973 the restoration of Gostinny Dvor (Mershant's Yard) in the town of Novaya Ladoga (architects A.A. Dragi, A.E. Ekk) have been carried out. Since 1 January 1974 SNRPM (Special Research Restoration Workshop) was under the jurisdiction of the Republican Special Scientific Production Association "Restavratsiya" ("The Restoration"). Among the Leningrad Oblast restoration projects objects in the town of Gatchina, that were made by made by the association "Restavrator" ("The Restorer"), were ranked: since 1976 the restoration of the Grand Palace (the architect restorer M.M. Plotnikov) was being made, since 1982 works in the Priorate Palace were being carried out and they were finished in 2005. After the damage control that were started in the 1970s the museum in the Olyenins' estate "Priyutino" (the architect restorer M.D. Bratchikov) was opened, also the museum "The House of Post Master") into the complex the Vyra Post Station (architects V.V. Ekk, A.A. Semochkin). In 1978 a project department of the Special Research Restoration Workshop became a branch of the Moscow Institute "Spetsproektrestavratsiya" and later it has become the independent enterprise. In the Institute workshops projects of reconstruction of architectural sights, interiors and museums' collections works are developed. Projects of restoration of the Leningrad Oblast serious objects like the Tikhvin Monastery of the Holy Dormition, the Zelenetsky Monastery, the Ivangorod fortress, the Alexander Svirsky Monastery, constructions on Zamkovy Island in Vyborg were developed. During the 1980s works on the Strelochnaya and Raskatnaya Towers of the Staraya Ladoga fortress, the archimandrite's and public cells in the Tikhvin Monastery of the Holy Dormition, the belfry and the Church of the Patronage of the Mother of God, a refectory church in the Alexander Svirsky Monastery, in the estate of the Roerichs in the village of Izvara, the monument to N.N. Demidov in the village of Chirkovitsi and others were carried out by SNRPM (Special Research Restoration Workshop). Alongside with these projects the Institute develop restoration projects of the federal monuments in St. Petersburg, Pskov, Karelia. During last 10-15 years there are problems with research restoration works, as some restoration workshops were closed, financing was reduced much, some monuments were privatized, the church rights of property were restored and monuments of religious architecture are belonged to the Church. .

Piryutko, Yuri Minayevich

Bratchikov, Mikhail Dmitriyevich
Dementyeva, M.A.
Draga (Dragi), Aleksandr Adolfovich
Ekk, Albert Ernestovich
Ekk, V.V.
Guseva, O.G.
Khaustova, Irena Aleksandrovna
Kolyada, Mark Ivanovich
Milchik, Mikhail Isayevich
Miloradovich*, A.N.
Plotnikov, Mikhail Mikhaylovich
Rezvy, M.D.
Sementovskaya, Maryana Avenirovna
Semochkin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
Stepanov, K.A.
Tikhomirov, M.A.

Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Gatchina Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Podporozhye District/Gimreka Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kingisepp District/Kingisepp Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Lomonosov District/Koporye Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kingisepp District/Kotli Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Volkhov District/Novaya Ladoga Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Vsevolozhsk District/Petrokrepost
Leningrad Oblast, the/Priozersk District/Priozersk Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Podporozhye District/Shcheleyki Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Shlisselburg Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Podporozhye District/Sogintsi Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Volkhov District/Staraya Ladoga Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tikhvin District/Tikhvin Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Vyborg District/Vyborg Town

Гоголицын Ю.М., Гоголицына Т.М. Памятники архитектуры Ленинградской области. Л., 1987.
Крепость Ивангород. Новые открытия / Сост. М.И. Мильчик. СПб., 1997
Инвестиционно-строительный комплекс Санкт-Петербурга: Юбилейное справочное издание. Т. 1. СПб., 2003., С. 462-463

Subject Index
Clock Tower (Vyborg Town)
Demidov N.N., monument to
Gatchina Palace -and - Park ensemble, the
Holy Trinity Monastery of St. Aleksandr of Svir, the
Ivangorod Fortress
Ivangorod Fortress
Izvara, a country estate
Korela, fortress, the
Kostel of St.Hyacinthe (Vyborg Town)
Maryino, a country estate
Merchants' Yards
Monrepo, a country estate
Oreshek, see Schlusselburg Fortress
Petrokrepost, town*, v. Shlisselburg, town
Post stations
Priorate Palace, the
"Priyutino", a literary and art estate-museum
Round Tower (Vyborg Town), the
Society for the Protection of History and Culture Monuments, an oblast branch
Staraya Ladoga Fortress
The Cathedral of St. Catherine, Great Martyr (Kingisepp Town)
The Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Mother of God (Schlusselburg)
The Church of St. George the Victorius, Great Martyr (Staraya Ladoga Village, Volkhov District)
"The House of a Station Master", a museum
Tikhvin Dormition Convent, the
Zelenets Holy Trinity Monastery, the

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