Articles / The Leningrad Oblast State Archive in Vyborg

The Leningrad Oblast State Archive in Vyborg

Subject / Archives. Libraries./Archives

LENINGRAD OBLAST STATE ARCHIVE IN VYBORG (LOGAV) (the town of Vyborg, 1 Shturm Street)
Formed in 1940 as branch of Central State Archive of People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of Karelo-Finn Soviet Socialist Republic ; in 1951 renamed as Leningrad Oblast State Archive in the town of Vyborg. In 1964 – 1969 was a branch of Archive of October Revolution and Socialist Development. Since 1969 has been functioning as independent archive under the name given in the title. The 3346 funds of LOGAV contained (in 2004) 1178.9 thousand files for the period from 1653 to 1999 . The considerable number, variety and chronological spectrum of the archive documents allow to study the condition and development of the Leningrad oblast economy, the history of towns, regions, localities, institutions and organizations for the period from 1917 to 1993. The archive also contains documents covering earlier periods (139.3 thousand files for the years 1653 to 1944), earlier kept in former Vyborg Provincial Archive of Finland, located before 1940 in the building now occupied by LOGAV.
Namely, the materials related to institutions, societies, community life, private enterprises and companies of former Vyborgskaya, Kuopio and Mikkeli Provinces. These include the funds for a range of institutions: of local government and self-governing, justice, military, of social and political organizations, as well as funds on all branches of economy, popular schooling, health care and religious confessions. Most documents are in Old Swedish and in Finnish.
Considerable part of LOGAV materials is made up by funds of district, town, region and village Soviet executive committees and their departments, covering the work of the Leningrad oblast government institutions in a range of areas, namely economic situation in cities and regions; total population and its age composition; site development, house-building and public works; electrification of villages; materials on economic indexes of collective farms, state farms (sovkhoz), industrial companies; non-economic books, lists of village population; state books of land resources, statements on landed property, documents regarding land use arrangments, land plot allotment, figures on areas under crop, information on cattle and poultry breeding, field-crop cultivation, fur farming, and economic indexes of agricultural institutions. Here can be found registry books of woodcutting areas and forest cultures, sanitary institutions’ accounts, descriptions of forestry and accounts of distribution / supply of wood. The archive materials contain information on the processes of popular education, health care and cultural and educational work in the Leningradskaya oblast. The part of the collection comprising documents of the Leningrad oblast cultural workers features personal funds of the science fiction writer A. O. Khlebnikov, poet P. M. Knyazev, art critics Y. Y. Kepp and N. I. Zolochevskaya as well as artists of Vyborg. Research and reference library of the archive numbers 26.9 thousand volumes.
LOGAV building is a purpose-built archive block erected in 1932 – 1934 acoording to the design by U. Ulberg, Finnish architect.

Panteleyev, Victor Fyodorovich

Kepp, Yevgeny Yevgenyevich
Khlebnikov, Aleksandr Orestovich
Knyazev, Pavel Mikhailovich
Ulberg, Uno Werner
Zolochvskaya, Natalya Ivanovna

Neighbouring Territories/Finland
Historical Toponyms/Karelian Finland SSR (Soviet Socialist Republic)
Historical Toponyms/Kuopio Gubernia (Province)
Historical Toponyms/Mikkeli Gubernia (Province)
Leningrad Oblast, the/Vyborg District/Vyborg Town/Shturm Street
Historical Toponyms/Vyborg Gubernia

Краткий справочник по фондам Ленинградского областного государственного архива в г. Выборге Сост. Т.С.Конюхова, И.Б.Лозинская, Т.И.Прицева. СПб., 1997
Документы личного происхождения в архивных учреждениях Северо-Западного федерального округа Российской Федерации. СПб., 2002
Архивы Санкт-Петербурга. Ленинградский областной государственный архив в г. Выборге (ЛОГАВ). URL:

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