Kuopio Gubernia (Province)
Group name
Historical Toponyms
Mentioned in articles:
Maps and plans
MAPS AND PLANS. The oldest M.a .P. of the Leningrad Oblast area are dated 16th century. The Neva Land and the Karelian Isthmus with the towns of Noteborg (Schlusselburg) and Kexholm (Priozersk), although with many distortions, are presented in... more
The Leningrad Oblast State Archive in Vyborg
LENINGRAD OBLAST STATE ARCHIVE IN VYBORG (LOGAV) (the town of Vyborg, 1 Shturm Street)
Formed in 1940 as branch of Central State Archive of People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of Karelo-Finn Soviet Socialist Republic ; in 1951 renamed... more