Geographical Index / Leningrad Oblast, the / Luga District / Bolshaya Yashchera Village

Bolshaya Yashchera Village

Group name
Luga District

Mentioned in articles:

Karpov, Grigory Ivanovich (1824- 1900), an architect
Grigory Ivanovich Karpov (1824- 1900), an architect. He graduated from the St. Petersburg Building College in 1848. He worked as an architect of the Alexander Nevski Monastery. From 1861 he became the architect of the St. Petersburg Eparchy. G.I.... more

The Church of Apostle Peter and Apostle Paul (Vyritsa Town, Gatchina District)
The Church of Apostle Peter and Apostle Paul (the Urban Settlement of Vyritsa , 28 Pavassara Street). The first in the settlement church built according to the decision of owners of lands (including I.A. Churikov) and mainly for their... more