Articles / Lindgren, Armas Eliel (1874 - !929), an architect

Lindgren, Armas Eliel (1874 - !929), an architect

Subject / Architecture/Personnel

Lindgren, Armas Eliel (1874 - 1929), an architect. In 1897 Lindgren graduated from the Politechnic Institute in Helsingfors (Helsinki; now it is the University of Technology). During 1898-1899 he worked on probation in countries of Europe. From 1896 to 1904 Lindgren worked at the bureau "Gesellius - Linfgren - Saarinen". He participated in designing the pavilion of Finland at the World's Fair in Paris (1900), several buildings in Helsinki including the building of the National Museum (1901-1910). Lindgren taught at different educational institutions of Helsinki: gave lectures on History of Arts at the Politechnic Institute (1899-1901), was in charge of a school of applied art (1902-1912). From 1919 Lindgren was a professor of architecture of the University of Technology. Lindgren the textbook on styles of architecture and decoration (1914). During 1902-1903 he participated in designing the villa Suur-Meriyoki near Vyborg Town (now it is in town boundaries; the villa was destroyed during World War II), the dwelling house in Vyborg Town (1908, together with B. Yung and O. Bomansson; the present-day address: 21 Leningradsky Prospekt). The Lutheran church was built according to Lindgren's project in Keksgolm (Priozersk Town) (1929-1939; now it is the Centre of Young People Leisure; in 2002 the building suffered from fire).

Chistyakov, Anton Yuryevich

Bomasson, Oscar
Gezellius, Hermann Ernest Henrik
Jung, Bertel
Lindgrem, Armas
Saarinen, Eliel

Neighbouring Territories/Finland
Leningrad Oblast, the/Vyborg District/Vyborg Town/Leningrad Prospekt
Leningrad Oblast, the/Priozersk District/Priozersk Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Vyborg District/Vyborg Town

Дмитриев А.П., Лихой А.И. Приозерская земля: История и культура. СПб. – Приозерск, 2004., 380-381
Иванова Е.В. Три архитектора Выборгской губернии конца 19 – первой трети 20 века [Я. Аренберг, У Уллберг, А. Линдгрен] // Вуокса. Приозерск, 2001. Вып. 2. Т. 1., 258-267

Subject Index
Priozersk Youth Leisure Centre
Suur- Meriioki", a country estate