Bibliography / Виноградова Л.В. Уездный город Тихвин. СПб., 2006.

Виноградова Л.В. Уездный город Тихвин. СПб., 2006.

Subject / Religion. Church/Orthodox churches

Mentioned in articles:

The Transfiguration Cathedral (Tikhvin Town)
The Transfiguration Cathedral (Tikhvin Town, 9 Svoboda (Freedom) Square). In 1560 Prechistensky Posad (dwelling and trade buildings of the town of Tikhvin) was transferred to a new place in the connection with opening the Tikhvin Convent of the... more

Tikhvin Conversation Monastery of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
The Tikhvin Conversation Monastery of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (the town of Tikhvin). It is the first monastery within the boundariests of the contemporary town of Tikhvin. It was founded between 1510 and 1515baccording to the order of Great... more