Bibliography / Inkeri. Historia, kanssa, kulttuuri. Helsinki, 1991

Inkeri. Historia, kanssa, kulttuuri. Helsinki, 1991

Subject / Topography/Administrative - territorial division

Mentioned in articles:

Finns of Ingermanlandia
Finns of Ingermanlandia (Finns-Inkeri, Finns of Leningrad; old use - Chukhonets, Maimists; their own native names - Soumalaiset, Inkerin Suomolaiset) are an ethnic community. They speak local accents of the eastern dialects (the Baltic-Finnic... more

INGERMANLANDIA (Swed. Ingermanland, Rus. Izhora Land or Ingria), historic and cultural region in the western part of the Leningrad Oblast (Kingisepp, Volosovo, Lomonosov, Vsevolozhsk, Gatchina, Tosno, western part of Kirovsk Districts.) The western... more