Bibliography / Аристов В. Война на Кингисеппском взморье. Тайна «Второго Кронштадта» // Книга памяти к 50-летию Великой Победы 95. Кингисепп, 1995.

Аристов В. Война на Кингисеппском взморье. Тайна «Второго Кронштадта» // Книга памяти к 50-летию Великой Победы 95. Кингисепп, 1995.

Subject / Topography/Villages

Mentioned in articles:

Ust-Luga, settlement
UST-LUGA, a settlement in Kingisepp District. Population: 1990; apart from the Russians, Izhora and Vod families live in U.-L. and its environs. Located in the mouth of the Luga River. Adjacent to U.-L. is Krakolye village. The settlement appeared... more

Vistino, village
VISTINO, a village in Kingisepp District. Population: 909.It is known from the 17th century. It is located on the western coast of the Soikino Peninsula, the area of the most compact population of the Izhora, whose history and culture is related to... more