Евгеньев Г. По рекам и озерам Ленинградской области. Л.: Лениздат, 1962.
Drainage network
HYDROGRAPHIC NETWORK. Over 19500 rivers and 1800 lakes (Ladoga and Onega being the largest ones) form the H. N. of the Leningrad Oblast. The river network is dense and ramified. One exception is the Izhora Hills where the river network density is... more
Luga River, the
LUGA, river. It flows in Novgorod Oblast and in Luga, Volosovo, and Kingisepp Districts of Leningrad Oblast. Length: 353 km (the longest river in Leningrad Oblast.) Catchment area: 13,200 sq. km. Flow rate: 100 cu. m / s. Its width is 50-100 m in... more
Neva River, the
NEVA, river in Leningrad Oblast and SPb. It was formed c. 3000 years ago due to a water breakthrough from Lake Ladoga to the Baltic Sea along the old valleys of the Mga and Tosna rivers. The toponym “Neva” is borrowed from the Baltic Finnish... more