Bibliography / Балашов Е.А., Степаков В.Н. В "новых районах" Из истории освоения Карельского перешейка 1940-1941, 1944-1950 гг. СПб., 2001.143 с.: ил.

Балашов Е.А., Степаков В.Н. В "новых районах" Из истории освоения Карельского перешейка 1940-1941, 1944-1950 гг. СПб., 2001.143 с.: ил.

Subject / Topography/Administrative - territorial division

Mentioned in articles:

Resettlements of the 1945 - 1950s
Resettlements of the 1945 - 1950s were migrations which were caused by political (eviction of some categories of citizens who were considered as unreliable, including the activities for cleaning up the frontier) and economical (the necessity of... more