Articles / The Church of the Holy Trinity (Vsevolozhsk Town)

The Church of the Holy Trinity (Vsevolozhsk Town)

Subject / Religion. Church/Orthodox churches

The Church of the Holy Trinity (Vsevolozhsk Town, 64 Vsevolozhsky Prodpect ). In 1903-1904 the wooden chapel was built in the Ryabovo Station of the Irinovskaya Railway using the money of parishioners (architect V.D. Nikolya). In 1905 it was rebuilt in the Russian style (architect P.P. Sokolov). It became the independent parish from 1914. The church was closed in March 1941. The church building was adapted for the grain store, the mobilization point and in 1943 it was adapted for a cinema. In 1945 the church was transferred to the Vsevolozhsk religious community. It was consecrated on 15 December 1945, after the restoration work, and it was the only working church in the Vsevolozhsk District . Sacristy premice and the gallery were added to the church under Archpriest Nikolay Petrovsky (1948). In 1992 the church house with baptistery, sacrisity and refectory were built. The Icon of St Seraphim of Sarov, the Icon of St Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Icon of the Mother of God "Ozeryanskaya", the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, the Icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hearken", the Icon of the Mother of God "Deliveress", the Icon of All Saints are objects of worship.

Shkarovsky, Mikhail Vitalyevich
Bertash, Aleksandr Vitalyevich

Nicola, Vladimir Dmitriyevich
Petrovsky, Nikolay, archpriest
Sokolov, Pavel Pavlovich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Vsevolozhsk District/Ryabovo
Leningrad Oblast, the/Vsevolozhsk District/Vsevolozhsk Town/Vsevolozhsksky Prospekt

Троицкая церковь во Всеволожске // Невский духовный вестник. 1989. № 6., С.13-15
Гуреева-Дорошенко И., Ганф Т. 100-летие храма Святой Живоначальной Троицы во Всеволожске // Церковный вестник. 2004. № 12., С.21-25
Храм во имя Святой Живоначальной Троицы в г. Всеволожске. 1904-2004. Всеволожск, 2004., С.21-25

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