Articles / The Church of the Holy Face (Vsevolozhsk Town)

The Church of the Holy Face (Vsevolozhsk Town)

Subject / Religion. Church/Orthodox churches

The Church of the Holy Face (Vsevolozhsk Town, 11a Shishkaya Street ). In 1899–1901 the church was built by the widow of P.A. Vsevolozhsky as the church-burial chamber of the Vsevolozhskikhs under the crypt of her husband on the Rumbolovskaya Hill . The plan of the brick house is octagon; there are 500 seats in the church. It was consecrated on 16 August 1901, from February 1916 the church became the parish church . It was closed in October 1931 and it was transferred to the commune "Labour"; it was adapted for an economic use. The "Road of Life" was placed near the church during WWII . From the 1960s the church was empty. The church was returned to believers on 29 December 1989, the religious services were begun on 13 April 1990; at the same time the restoration work was begun ( design of the architect V.Е. Zhukov). The church was consecrated on 24 November 1991. In 1991 the metal bell tower was built and bells were placed. The Icon of the Holy Face is the revered sacred object (the 17th c).

Shkarovsky, Mikhail Vitalyevich
Bertash, Aleksandr Vitalyevich

Vsevolozhskys, the
Zhukov, V.E.

Topographical landmarks/Rumbolovo Hill
Leningrad Oblast, the/Vsevolozhsk District/Vsevolozhsk Town/Shishkanya Street

Реннер М. Церковь Спаса Нерукотворного. Всеволожск, 1991
Попов И.В. Церковь Спаса Нерукотворного Образа на Румболовской горе во Всеволожске // Санкт-Петербургские епархиальные ведомости. 1994. № 13, С. 42-47

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