Lebyazhye, urban settlement
Lebyazhye, urban settlementAuthors
Chistyakov, Anton Yuryevich
Chekanova, Olga Aleksandrovna Persons
Bianki, Vitaly Valentinovich
Dubovsky, Pyotr Ivanovich Saltykov-Shchedrin , Mikhail Yevgrafovich (the real name was Saltykov) Sheremetev, Boris Petrovich, Count Geography
Historical Toponyms/Bolshiye Borki, Village
Topographical landmarks/Gulf of Finland, the Historical Toponyms/Karkilo, Village Historical Toponyms/Krasnoflotsk, Village Topographical landmarks/Lebyazhka River, the Leningrad Oblast, the/Lomonosov District Historical Toponyms/Lotsmanskoye Village Historical Toponyms/Maliye Borki, Village Historical Toponyms/Novaya Krasnaya Gorka Historical Toponyms/Petrovsky Khutor, Village Leningrad Oblast, the/Lomonosov District/Lebyazhye Urban Village/Primorskaya Street Historical Toponyms/Rigolovo, Village Historical Toponyms/Staraya Krasnaya Gorka, , Village Bibliography
Того В. Лоцманское селение. СПб., 1999
Лебяжье. Неофициальный виртуальный музей поселка. URL: http://lebiaje.narod.ru Ливеровский А. Тихий берег Лебяжьего. Л., 1984 Subject Index
Grey Horse, a fort
Krasnaya Gorka, a fort Lebyazhenskaya children music school Lebyazhskoye House of Culture Lebyazhye Museum of Slavonic Peoples, the Lebyazhye Rural Library, the "Lebyazhye", water-marsh land Lebyazhye, a country estate The Church of Sainted Hierach Nicholas the Wonderworker (Lebyazhye Village, Lomonosov District) "To Defenders of Leningrad Sky", memorial |