Articles / Slantsi, town

Slantsi, town

Subject / Topography/Cities

SLANTSI, town, adm. center of Slantsi District. Population: 47,900. It is situated on the Plyussa River at the railway station of the same name of the St. Petersburg-Gdov railway branch (opened in 1940.) In 1926, the Gdov (Leningrad) deposit of oil shales was discovered in the interfluve of the Plyussa and Luga. In April 1930, a pilot production mine was founded near B. Polya village. Today, this event is considered as the date of foundation of S. The workers’ settlement of S. was officially established in 1934, in 1949 it became a town, and in 1941, the adm. center of the new-established Slantsi District (except for 1963-65 when Slantsi District belonged to Kingisepp District.) The backbone enterprises of S. are Leningradslanets Co. and JSC Slantsi Factory The town has the Slantsi museum of the local history, Slantsi central district library, children’s library, school of arts, school of music and its branch, Palace of Culture of JSC Slantsi Factory, and the town culture center, on the basis of which the Booms Youth Theater exists. In 1968, the Puppet Theater was established in S. (awarded the “Best Creative Team” diploma of the Leningrad Oblast Committee for Culture in 2003.) The town has a Park of Culture and Rest. Four newspapers are published, the “Znamya Truda” among them; the Radio Slantsi Town and the Slantsi TV broadcast. In S. There are branches of the Plekhanov Mining Institute (Technical University), North-Western Correspondence Technical University, and the Cyril and Methodius Peasant University. St. Nicholas Polsky Monastery located within the today’s S was mentioned in 1585-87 , it had the wooden church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (it was rebuilt, and finally destroyed in the 1960s.) An Orthodox parish was registered in 2000, the church of St. Seraphim of Sarov is under construction, and the services are done in a chapel of the same name.

Chistyakov, Anton Yuryevich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Slantsi District/Bolshiye Polya Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kingisepp District
Topographical landmarks/Luga River, the
Topographical landmarks/Plyussa River, the
Leningrad Oblast, the/Slantsi District

Афонский Н.М. Сланцы. Л. 1964
Иванов В.В. Сланцы: Историко-краеведческий очерк Л.: Лениздат, 1988.
Сайт города Сланцы. URL:
Муниципальное образование «Сланцевский район». URL:

Subject Index
"Bums", Theatre-Stidio
Palace of Culture of Joint-Stock Company "Zavod "Slantsy"
Slantsi Central Town Library, the
Slantsi Museum of the Local History, the
Slantsi Town Children Library, the
Slantsy children art school
Slantsy children music school
Slantsy Town House of Culture
State Peasant University named after St. Cyril and St. Methodius
The Church of St. Seraphim of Sarov (Slantsy Town)