Slantsi, town
Slantsi, townAuthors
Chistyakov, Anton Yuryevich
Leningrad Oblast, the/Slantsi District/Bolshiye Polya Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kingisepp District Topographical landmarks/Luga River, the Topographical landmarks/Plyussa River, the Leningrad Oblast, the/Slantsi District Bibliography
Афонский Н.М. Сланцы. Л. 1964
Иванов В.В. Сланцы: Историко-краеведческий очерк Л.: Лениздат, 1988. Сайт города Сланцы. URL: http://www.slantcy.spb.ru/ Муниципальное образование «Сланцевский район». URL: http://www.slanmo.ru/ Subject Index
"Bums", Theatre-Stidio
Palace of Culture of Joint-Stock Company "Zavod "Slantsy" Slantsi Central Town Library, the Slantsi Museum of the Local History, the Slantsi Town Children Library, the Slantsy children art school Slantsy children music school Slantsy Town House of Culture State Peasant University named after St. Cyril and St. Methodius The Church of St. Seraphim of Sarov (Slantsy Town) |