Plyussa River, the
Plyussa River, theAuthors
Tripolskaya, Anna Aleksandrovna
Leningrad Oblast, the/Slantsi District/Bolshiye Polya Village
Topographical landmarks/Kushelka River, the Topographical landmarks/Luga River, the Topographical landmarks/Narova River, the Topographical landmarks/Narva Reservoir, the Neighbouring Territories/Pskov Oblast, the Topographical landmarks/Ruya River, the Leningrad Oblast, the/Slantsi District Leningrad Oblast, the/Slantsi District/Slantsi Town Topographical landmarks/Zaplyusye Lake Bibliography
Туристский путеводитель по Ленинградской области. СПб., 2003., С.204-206
Сайт. URL: http//plussa-region.narod.ru, С.204-206 |