Articles / Leningrad Oblast Children Library, the

Leningrad Oblast Children Library, the

Subject / Archives. Libraries./Libraries

THE LENINGRAD OBLAST CHILDREN LIBRARY (LODB) (32 Morisa Toreza Prospekt, St Petersburg). It was open in 1968 as a methodological centre on library services for children in the libraries of the Leningrad Oblast. It has the biggest in the Leningrad Oblast universal collection of books and media for children and adults who work with children, which numbers 120,000 items, and is a subscriber for over 140 periodical titles. The library keeps collections of regional importance: “Leningradskaya – Peterburgskaya detskaya kniga” (The Leningrad and Petersburg Children’s Books) and “Fond R. P. Pogodina” (The Fund of R. P. Pogodin). LODB has been developing as information-and-research centre for children’s reading and books for children. Along with traditional subdivisions (lending library, reading room, departments of acquisition, book storage, informational-and bibliography and methodological departments), it also includes informational technology department providing a showroom, the room for readers’ creative work, offering a sector for research of children’s books and reading, and a software development centre. The principal aim of LODB is creating online book environment accessible for the children of the Leningrad Oblast. In 1993 the information technologies began introduced in the library, as a result the computerized children library centre was founded. Now the following projects for the Leningrad Oblast are under way: “Bazovy modul’ informatizatsii detskikh bibliotek” (The Basic Module for ICT Developments in Children Libraries), “Informatsionnye resursy dlya detey: obmen, translyatsiya, dostup” (Information Resources for Children: Exchange, Viewing and Accessibility), etc. The library has developed the regional site for children ( and constantly updating it , as well as started a series of online publications for local and remote access. LODB also participates in the development of a joint online catalog of the Leningrad Oblast libraries within the framework of the programme “Jelektronnaya Leningradskaya oblast’” (The Leningrad Oblast Online). The library takes part in a range of inter-regional projects: “Dni voinskoy slavy Rossii” (The Days of Russian Military Glory ), “Simvoly moey Rodiny” (The Symbols of My Motherland) (in the area of patriotic education); “Knigi detstva” (The Books of Childhood) – researching of present-day children’s attitude to reading and children’s books; “LODB ryadom s sel’skim rebyonkom” (LODB Assisting Children in Rural Areas), “Solnechnoe LetneChtenie” (The Midsummer Reading) ( in the area of promotion of contemporary books for children to the Leningrad Oblast libraries). The library organizes mobile exhibitions of latest books for children and book festivals in villages and settlements. In cooperation with St Petersburg Writers’ Union, Chair of Children Literature of St Petersburg State University of Culture and Art LODB organized All-Russian Literary-and-Pedagogy readings, devoted to writer R. P. Pogodin (held every 5 years). Among the participants are leading experts in children literature from St Petersburg and Moscow, writers, critics and librarians from Russia and the Leningrad Oblast. With the view to further training for the library staff who work with children LODB has founded “Avtorskaya bibliotechnaya shkola” (The Author Library School) on the base of Vyritsa Children Library and “Shkola detskogo chteniya” (The School of Children’s Reading) in Slantsi Town. It regularly runs a workshop “Iz Interneta – v biblioteku” (From the Internet into a Library) designed for library staff. In 2004 it officially approved the special sign “Nravitsya detyam Leningradskoy oblasti” (The Choice of the Leningrad Oblast Children), which is annually given to the best new books according to children's opnion.

Kurakina, Maya Sergeyevna

Pogodin, Rady Petrovich

Saint-Petersburg City/Moris Torez Prospekt
Leningrad Oblast, the/Slantsi District/Slantsi Town

Степанова Л.В. Детская библиотека как современный институт детства. СПб. / ЛОДБ; 2001
Дети, компьютер и детская библиотека: Сб. статей ведущих специалистов Лен. обл. дет. б-ки: В 2 вып. /ЛОДБ; Сост. Т.Н. Третьякова. СПб., 2002
Детское чтение. Феномен и традиция в конце ХХ столетия: Материалы междунар. научно-практической конференции (С.-Петербург, 1999) /ЛОДБ; Сост. В.В. Головин, Л.В.Степанова. СПб., 1999
Статус детской библиотеки в информатизации отрасли культуры. Постановка и практика решения проблемы: По материалам Всероссийской научно-практической конференции (С.-Петербург, 2002) /ЛОДБ; Сост. Л.В. Степанова, Е.В. Стрелкова. СПб., 2003
Региональный сайт детских библиотек. URL:

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