Articles / Commission for the Archaeologic Research of the Leningrad Oblast

Commission for the Archaeologic Research of the Leningrad Oblast

Subject / Relics

The Commission for the Archaeologic Research of the Leningrad Oblast. In 1919 the Russian Academy of the Material Culture History (RAIMK, later GAIMK) was esatblished in Petrograd. It was the predecessor of the conteporary centres of the Russian archaeology - the Archaeology Institute of the Russian Academy of Science in Moscow and the Institute of the Material Culture History (IIMK) of the Russian Academy of Science in St. Petersburg. According to the decree of VTsIK (the All-Union Central Executive Committee) and SNK (the Soviet of People's Commissars) "About the Calculation and Registration of Monuments of Art, Antiquity and Nature" of 7 January 1924, GAIMK (the State Archaeological Institute of of the Material Culture History ) started to carry out the complete archaeological inspection of the Leningrad Oblast (according to that time administrative and territorial division - it was the all North-West region of RSFSR). The organization of researches was entrusted to P.P. Yefimenko. The preparatory works were begun in 1926. In the 1927-1931st GAIMK (the State Archaeological Institute of of the Material Culture History ) workers M.I. Artamonov, L.S. Generalova, G.P. Grozdilov, G.F. Debets, A.A. Iessen, B.A. Koishevsky, V.I. Racdonikas, P.N. Tretyakov, N.N. Chernyagin, P.N. Shults as well as local historians and museum workers inspected more than a thousand monuments including 214 ones located within the modern borders of the oblast. The significant work was done: collecting literary, archival and museum materials, the search, registration and shoot of monuments' plans, compiling archaeological maps, researching reasons of the destruction of archaeological sites, preparing protective actions, compiling a catalogue of survived objects. On the basis of collected materials N.N. Chernyagin and P.N. Tretyakov published their works devoted to mounds and long barrows, permanent excavations were begun by V.I. Ravdonikas in Staraya Ladoga Village and the Ladoga Lake region.

Plotkin, Konstantin Moiseyevich

Artamonov, Mikhail Illarionovich
Chernyagin, Nikolay Nikolayevich
Debets, Georgy Frantsevich
Generalova, L.S.
Grozdilov, Grigory Pavlovich
Iessen, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
Koyshevsky, Boris Aleksandrovich
Ravdonikas, Vladislav Iosifovich
Schulz, Pavel Nikolayevich
Tretyakov, Pyotr Nikolayevich
Yefimenko, Pyotr Petrovich

Topographical landmarks/Priladozhye
Leningrad Oblast, the/Volkhov District/Staraya Ladoga Village

Сообщения ГАИМК. 1929. № 2, № 2. С. 215-216; 1931. № 6. С. 25-27
Лапшин В.А. Археологическая карта Ленинградской области. Ч. 1-2. Л.; СПб. 1990-1995, С. 6
Лебедев Г. С. Археологические памятники Ленинградской области. Л., 1977, С. 70-72
Белова Н.А. Из работ ГАИМК по изучению археологических памятников Ленинградской области // Новое в археологии Северо-Запада СССР. Л., 1985. С. 137-140, С. 137-140

Subject Index
Culture of Mounds
The Culture of long burial mounds (barrows)