Pervomayskoye, settlement
Pervomayskoye, settlementRef.: A. Y. Chistyakov Authors
Chistyakov, Anton Yuryevich
Grin, Elmar (A.V. Yakimov)
Leningrad Oblast, the/Vyborg District
Карельский перешеек: Земля неизведанная Ч. 1: Юго-Западный сектор. /Авт.-сост. Балашов Е.А. СПб., 1996., С.83-86; 176-179
Карабанова В.И. Кивеннапа – Первомайское. Кн.1.- СПб.: «Дидактика Плюс», 2001.-143 с.: фото., С.83-86; 176-179 Kiuru P. Kivennapa. Muistelmia ja kuvia entisesta kotiseudusta. Pieksamaki, 1961., С.83-86; 176-179 Subject Index
Pervomaysk Palace of Culture
Pervomayskaya children music school Pervomayskoye Rural Library, the "Red Hill", a festival The Church of St. Olaf (Pervomayskoye Village, Vyborg District) Mentioned in articles: