Articles / Parks


Subject / Nature memorials

Park is a specially plan area with artificially planted trees and with the paths, trails, ponds. The first parks on the territory of the Leningrad Oblast were founded in the 18th century. They were part of imperial residences, grand prince residences and noble estates that have arisen around the new capital. The regular park was popular in the first half of the 18 century. The regular park is the park with geometrically right planning of the path. The landscape park became popular later. These are parks which imitate nature and planed on the base of the relief area. The most of the estate parks were greatly suffered during the Soviet period from behind the ploughing under the vegetable gardens and from unauthorized allotment the land for individual residential development on their territory and at the expense of the natural vegetation. The most famous historical parks of the Leningrad region are the Gatchina palace- and - park ensemble, the Ropshino palace- and- park ensemble, the State Museum-Reserve "MonRepos Park". Since the 1930 in towns were created public parks of culture and recreation (PCaR), in which the tradition of gardens that existed in the uyezd centers were continued . In the parks of culture and recreation are a various public events, concerts and established attractions. In 2001 in the Leningrad Oblast were 13 parks which have the status of municipal cultural institutions. These include parks in Vyborg, Kirovsk, Slantsy, park "Veles" in Volosovo, park "Romanovka" in Kingisepp, and others. In the park of culture and recreation in the town of Sosnovy Bor was created a unique childrens play complex "Andersengrad". During the Soviet period in the immediate vicinity of St. Petersburg were founded the woodland parks (see the wodland park protective belt, "Nevsky" woodland park) which perform sanitary and recreational functions. In Russia parks to protect the natural complexes, which have ecological, historical and aesthetic values, were founded in 1990. In the natural parks are created zones with different protection regime and land using. The Russian Federation Law "On specially protected natural territories" of 14 March 1995 under No 33-FZ provides the establishment of national parks as one of the categories of special protected areas. In the Leningrad Oblast there is a state natural area park "Vepsian forest" and work is underway on establish a historical and natural park "Upper Oredezh" and the national park "Karelian Isthmus".

Tripolskaya, Anna Aleksandrovna

Leningrad Oblast, the/Kingisepp District/Kingisepp Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kirovsk District/Kirovsk Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Slantsi District/Slantsi Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Sosnovy Bor Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Volosovo District/Volosovo Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Vyborg District/Vyborg Town

Исаченко Г. А. «Окно в Европу»: История и ландшафты. СПб., 1998, С. 426-431
Паспорт культурной жизни регионов России в сети Интернет. Ленинградская область. М.: РГБ, 2003. С. 114. URL:, С.114

Subject Index
Clubs of Enthusiasts
Gatchina Palace -and - Park ensemble, the
Green belt, the
"Karlsky Peresheyek" ("The Karelian Isthmus"), a national park
"Mon Repos Park", a state museum-reserve
"Nevsky", a wooded park
"Romanovka", a park
Ropsha palace-and-park ensemble
"Veles", a park
"Vepssky Les" ("Veps Forest"), a park
"Verkhny Oredezh", a natural historical park