Articles / The Church of the Prophet Elijah (Chyornoye Village, Kirovsk Region)

The Church of the Prophet Elijah (Chyornoye Village, Kirovsk Region)

Subject / Religion. Church/Orthodox churches

The Church of the Prophet Elijah (Chyornoye Village, Kirovsk Region). The first wooden church was built before 1572 but burned in 1760. From 1760-1763 the new wooden church of the Epiphany but it was diamantled due to the bed condition of building after 1875. From 1874 to 1875 the stone church of the Prophet Elijah, with chapel of St Nicholas and the chapel of St Arkady, was built to the design of the architect V. Pilts. Icons were painted in the studio of V.M. Peshekhonov. Before 1917 the parish consisted of 270 homesteads, the church-parish charge was organized. The church was closed in the end of the 1930s and was converted into a club house. The church was opened by the order of Council of Ministers of 29 October 1945. The religious services began to perform on 24 November 1946 after the restoration work. The church did not worked from 1960 because of the absence of a priest. It was closed in 1962, the church house was transferred to the fishing collective farm in 1964. In the middle of the 1990s the church was returned to the revival community, but the religious services were not start. From 1995 there are attempts of the restoration of the church but it failed.

Shkarovsky, Mikhail Vitalyevich
Bertash, Aleksandr Vitalyevich

Peshekhonov, Vasily Makarovich
Pilz, V.

Leningrad Oblast, the/Kirovsk District/Chyornoye Village

Земля Невская Православная: Краткий церковно-исторический справочник / Науч. ред. В.В. Антонов. СПб., 2006.
Берташ А.В., Векслер А.В. Новая Ладога. СПб., 2004., 134